Biblical Worldview

At RWG STEM Academy, we are dedicated to shaping a Biblical Worldview (BWV) in each student. Our unique "N.E.W.C.A.S.T." framework provides a clear, structured approach to understanding life, purpose, and truth from a biblical perspective, equipping students to engage with the world confidently and thoughtfully. This acrostic serves as a guide to the foundational questions explored in our BWV curriculum:
Biblical Worldview
N – Nature and Purpose of Humanity
What is the nature and purpose of humanity?
Humanity is created in God’s image to know, love, and serve Him. This purpose includes stewarding creation and fulfilling God’s mission of redemption and restoration on earth.
E – Existence of God
Does God exist?
Yes, God is the eternal, omniscient, omnipotent Creator who is personally involved in the world. This belief serves as the cornerstone of a Biblical Worldview, affirming God’s active presence in human history.
W – World’s Creation and Purpose
How and why was the world created?
The world was created by God as a place for humanity to dwell, love, and serve Him, reflecting His glory and fulfilling His purpose on earth.
C – Character and Nature of God
What is the character and nature of God?
God is holy, loving, just, and sovereign. Understanding His attributes shapes how we perceive life, make moral choices, and understand God’s work in the world.
A – Afterlife and Eternal Destiny
What happens after we die?
The Bible teaches that individuals face judgment, with eternal life in heaven for those who trust in Christ and separation from God for those who reject Him.
S – Spiritual Authorities and Their Roles
What are the spiritual authorities that exist, and what is their function?
God is the ultimate authority, with angels as His messengers and demons as opposing forces. Recognizing these spiritual dynamics is central to understanding the spiritual realm and our place within it.
T – Truth and Its Foundation
What is truth?
Truth is absolute and is revealed through God’s Word, embodied in Jesus Christ. God’s truth is the foundation of morality, reality, and understanding, standing in contrast to the relativism of modern culture.
Truth is absolute and is revealed through God’s Word, embodied in Jesus Christ. God’s truth is the foundation of morality, reality, and understanding, standing in contrast to the relativism of modern culture.